Looking for a tube preamp that has xlr outputs.

As the topic says looking for a new or used tube preamp that has xlr outputs to go to my vtv amplifier.  Will be looking for dac next for streaming music.  But back the preamp.  Price is under 2500.  Used is ok since you can often get more bang for the buck.  

What suggestions do people have?  I like to listen to everything from blues to assic


@dlowman No need to have it looked at, it was mine. It’s been updated within the past 2 years to Mk III and recently I had them go through it again to change out some parts. I dropped it off in Sarasota while wintering in Florida. It’s in real good shape. I was the original owner. I would love to see it go to a nice home. My VAC Amp already sold. I moved away from tubes after 30 years!

@fthompson251 thats awesome to hear.  Do you know what tubes you had in it or that you likes the best? (Im case someone swapped out the tubes simce you sold it)


The tubes in it are good, esp the Telefunken 12AX7’s. Those were my favorite 12AX7’s in that preamp. All the tubes were tested and strong. I sent it to The Music Room with them in it.