Differences between Harbeth, Spendor, Graham, etc. ?

This is perhaps a foolish question, given the subjective nature of this hobby, but is there any consensus regarding differences between the above brands? I’m interested in their "traditional" or "vintage" lines, not the more modern-voiced models.

For example, I’ve read that the Spendor Classic series speakers are, overall, warmer/darker than Harbeths and offer a bit more punch in the bass. If this is true, I would lean toward the former.













Thanks for all the additional comments. When the time is right, it would probably make sense to take my Hegel down to Gene Rubin and compare the three brands, despite my general distrust of showroom demos. 



Good plan. Better than flipping a coin or just listening to the ag clowns (myself included). 😉 

Interesting term "punchy" bass...I have been to a lot of live venues and never heard what I would term "punchy" bass. I have heard it from amplifiers. 


OK. Lazy use of language on my part.

Didn’t seem to inhibit @donquichotte from providing exactly the sort of detailed comparison I was hoping for. 






Spendor Classics are generally warmer than Harbeth IME. Stirling Broadcast LS3/6s and SB-88s mostly split the difference between the other two (assuming like for like model/size comparisons).

It’s also been my experience that Spendors can handle substantially more power and SPL before they begin to strain, again, when comparing similarly sized models.

Some of the current Grahams and Stirlings, and earlier Spendors (90s) were designed by Derek Hughes. His designs tend to sound better than those of Alan Shaw IMO.