Would you still pay $10k or more for a turntable not full analog front end these days ?

Or you would rather pay that for a streamer ?



Vinyl. But you don’t need a $10k rig. That’s simply unnecessary!

So is a Porsche. 


@jlbkmb1958 - if recording was made and mastered digitally, there is no reason to convert it back to analog. The fewer conversions, the better. 

Though I don't follow current prices, I believe it is necessary to spend $25k-$30k on entire analog front end to have a great sound. You can have good or even excellent sound for less, that's true.

Yes, it’s not necessary to spend big bucks to enjoy great sound with vinyl. However, it can get better with more expensive gear.

My view is that vinyl can be better not necessarily because it’s analogue, but because it’s mastered better.

I have found that what’s good about vinyl still persists after the analogue signal is transferred to digital and back. In other words the AD and DA conversions can be transparent. With the Linn Urika Ii phono stage, doing some of the RIAA processing in the digital domain is beneficial, presumably because distortion  and noise is reduced.