Cardas vs Cardas vs Shunyata interconnects

Got a pile of interconnects cables today from Cable Company to try, focusing on between my DAC (Weiss) and pre (Mc c2300)—SF Amati Tradition speakers with MC601s. Base cables mid level Wireworld.


- Cardas Clear Cygnus

- Cardas Clear Reflection 

- Shunyata Venom 

- Shunyata Venom X

First in was Cygnus. I was immediately floored. Loved everything about it—feeling so engaged with music. Amazingly dynamic and tight bass response. Every song I played was just amazing.

After an hour I was itching to try the Reflection expecting great things. Nope. Dull and woolly. I love warm, but perhaps this was too much of a good thing. After two songs I was back to the Cygnus. 

Sticking with the Cygnus tonight.

Shunyata will be up tomorrow and I’ll report back. 


Agreed. Silver not a good combo. Nordost Tyr 2 XLRs sound great in my system and were awesome when I had Bricasti M3. I would recommend giving these cables a try. There are some available on USAM

@jmeyers looking at your virtual system my guess is that your Mac amps lean to the brighter side of the spectrum and your new Bricasti gear (stuff that dreams are made of) are neutral so silver cables are a mismatch. Just my 3 cents worth.

@jmeyers  yup definitely happy with the Cygnus. In fact I got speaker cables as well. I replaced Wire World cables, with the Cardas and finally my system settled to where I wanted it. Now, with the speaker cables, I have to say that they sounded closed and woolly at first, and I was not happy. But after 100 hrs or so they opened up and are fantastic. Now I have actually started a thread about if burn in is BS and just perception, or real. In this instance, burn is felt real to me. 

Of note, back to my original comparison, the Reflection were not open enough for me, but I feel Clear might be too much. The Cygnus seem to be the sweet spot for my system.