Free Tip for Jumpers

If you have already replaced the stock jumpers on your bi wire speakers I found this to be a nice boost in sound quality. It was a Nordost section of Music Direct, FYI.


Diagonal Bi-Wire

For those looking for maximum performance from their bi-wire speakers, Nordost has a recommendation. Connect your speaker wire to the speaker as follows: Red lead to the Red midrange/bass post, Black lead to the Black tweeter post. Then insert the Norse Jumpers as you normally would, sit back and hold on to your socks. The effect is astounding, with greater focus, detail and less haze and grain. We don't really understand how it works, but it does so try it for yourself!

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I have biwire (4 x 13 AWG) OCC copper speaker cables and a pair of Spendor SP2/3R2 biwirable speakers. I have tried all the possible permutations (except for high quality, pricey jumpers) and my preferred method of connecting the speakers is as follows:

- at the red speaker terminals: tie together two 13 AWG cables and connect them to the midbass terminal, then use a stock gold plated metal jumper plate to connect the midbass and tweeter terminale

- at the black speaker terminals: ditch the stock plate and do a normal biwire (one 13 AWG cable to midbass and one to tweeter

I haven’t tried the above solution but with the colors reversed, maybe biwiring the red terminals instead would have resulted in a somewhat different sound?!

Looks to me as if @knownothing  knows something. Thank you for sharing @donquichotte, thank you. Great to hear folks systematically experimenting and sharing their results!

I’ve been doing this for years myself and recently did some trials on jumper cables that were quite eye opening! I'd show a pic but I still can't seem to post pics on here.




In one of his most recent YouTube videos (well worth your time), Danny Richie of GR Research recounted his experience of years ago auditioning loudspeakers in a dealer’s showroom, in a system that including a pair of $5,000 speaker cables. He was amused that a system using loudspeaker cables of that price was powering a pair of loudspeaker’s with the cheapest internal wire available, i.e. garbage-quality. Do all the bi-wiring or jumping you want, the loudspeaker’s internal wiring will remain a bottleneck in the system. One of the most-overlooked links in the hi-fi system chain.