New preamp or up grade my cartridge and or phono amp?

I have an Emotiva XMC-1 with a Rega P6 TT a Rega MCFONO phono amp and a Rega Ania cartridge. If I'm running the Emotiva in the "reference mode", would it make more sense to up grade the cartridge and phono amp (maybe even the tonearm) or add a new preamp with a HT bypass


Soix, ehem. I don’t own a discrete linestage. All my preamplifiers contain phono sections. For that combo , you pay more. And none of them ( I have 3) cost me more than $4K, all purchased second hand.

I'm probably going to go with a Rogue RP-1 and Schiit Bifrost 2 DAC. 

Thanks everyone for the suggestions and preamp info