iFi LAN iSilencer connection

This can be plugged into the router or the streamer. My guess is it would be better plugged into the router if you have a well shielded ethernet cable.

Is there a preferred method or no difference?  



@audphile1 I'm "upgrading" my opinion from "very subtle" to "subtle" improvement after a few more hours of listening to some very familiar HR Jazz recordings via Qobuz.

I'm learning that sometimes when you a/b test and focus on trying to hear changes, there isn't much/any. Then when you are not paying attention, something makes you pause and take notice. That's what happened today.  

I'm looking forward to hearing the SmoothLAN next.

FWIW the main reason I'm not trying a switch is I don't have any spare outlets. Lastly I have no doubt if I had a better streamer like an Aurender I wouldn't hear any difference. I'm just messing with low-cost, zero risk tweaks atm.  

@macg19 yup same here. I thought I heard the difference on some tracks and had that moment where I thought it sounded different and it possibly did. But man 99% or the time I can’t tell. I’ve had very audible impacts to sound quality of the Aurender by swapping power cords and that didn’t require straining my ears to hear it.
So this Ethernet stuff is most likely the last thing anyone should screw around with - in my opinion components, room and other cables are way more impactful. Cheap tweaks is cool just don’t go nuts with switches, linear power supplies for all this ethernet crap, fiber to optical FMC conversion modules etc…it ain’t worth it.