If you had to choose...

Hi everyone, I am researching my next little “step up” in my audio journey after 3 years.   Upgrading from my current ATC SCM11 v2 speakers to ??

These are my current top 3 contenders.  I am sure there should be others on this list…

Anyone have any comparison experiences between any of them, etc? If you were choosing…. which ones would you be going for? (-:🤔

I have been eying the Alyssa for a couple of years now, but they are out of my budget range, unless I could ever find a great deal and leverage a trade-in opportunity.  Fritz seemed the way to go for me, but then I was just turned on to the Revival.

Based on what everyone has written about each of these, I am very confident that I can’t go wrong with any of these three.  Just curious as to your thoughts and experiences. 


Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!


FWIW, below is my environment:

I have a small 8'x10' room/home office/music equipment pit, with 9'ceiling. I sit at my desk about 7 feet from the speakers.  I am relegated to this room for at least the next 4 years…

Mostly low volume listening (65db or lower) with occasional turn it up sessions.  So they need to do well at low volume.

Music is alternative e.g. Radiohead/Smile, Mazzy Star, Echo, D. Mode, Simple Minds, Cure, etc.   Classic rock, progressive rock, Bowie, TOOL,  60s psychedelic and acoustic/folk.  All over the place…


  • Black Ice F35 integrated amp w/KT170s and Tungsol 12ax7s
  • Black Ice Audio Glass FX Tube DAC w/Dynamo Telefunken 12ax7
  • Black Ice SS-X Sound Expander
  • Rythmik L12 subwoofer
  • Streaming Qobuz via Sonore orendu and SGC i5 ROON server.  The server also contains my ripped cds.
  • CAT 8 hard-wired ethernet to switches and router
  • Verizon FIOS 1 gig internet service

I have Fritz Rev 7 SEs that I run in a small listening space not much larger than yours. I often listen at volumes lower than 65db, in fact I’m listening right now about about 45-50db and they sound fantastic. Even at this level they disappear and have a wide deep soundstage with excellent detail. They sound even better turned up, but they do very well at low volume. I would highly recommend Fritz speakers for what you are looking to do.  I have similar musical tastes and they excel with these genres.  Honestly they do well with anything I listen to regardless of genre.

Thanks everyone for all of this fantastic advice.   This is all very helpful.

I hear you all on the efficiency.  Yes, I listen at around 65db, for many hours a day and night. So, sound quality at low volume levels, and avoiding fatigue are top considerations.

@oddiofyl thanks for the review on the Revivals.  FYI, fellow Audiogoner nonoise wrote up an awesome review of the Revival Audio Atalante 3 for anyone interested entitled "Shout out to Revival Audio Atalante 3 speakers" 183204-355

@hilde45 - Thank you for the reviews and for the heads up on Carrera's bright tweeter.   That sounds like a non-starter for me.  I am listening easily 12-15 hrs a day.  I will speak with Fritz and get his thoughts as per your suggestion.

@zlone, @soix  Yes, I have read similar comments about the Alyssa's, so maybe not ideal given my current environment.  And I have added Reference 3A MM de Capo BE to my list!

@mofojo - Yes, I have been eyeballing the Heresy IV.  I forgot to mention that, so thanks for reminding me! This company has haunted me ever since we'd cut school and sneak a listen to Bowie on a friend's dad's Klipshorns (AK-6?) in the mid 70's. Blew my teenage mind!

@knotscott - Agreed, I will initially keep my ATCs for comparison, then if all goes well, then maybe sell them.  Yes, it is such a personal choice. So I am very appreciative for everyone's perspective.

@mashif, @celtic66   -  I have thought about staying in the ATC family. When researching ATCs for my purchase a few years ago, I seem to recall that the 19s just had a larger woofer than the 11s, otherwise very much the same, but I could be confused. I can't fit floorstanders, so the 40s wouldn't work. The ATC 20's are over my budget, unless I could find a super used deal... I do think though that my 11s prefer a bit of a higher db level than 65db to really shine.

I have been very happy with my ATC, just wanted to see what else is out there, given my listening space and volume levels.

Maybe I should just figure out a way to keep my ATC in addition to getting new ones!

Thanks again everyone.  I really appreciate it!


Thanks jastralfu.  I saw the Rev 7 SEs and the Ls7s on his website and was wondering about them, in addition the the ones above.  I will discuss these with Fritz as well.

Hello Bogbeat!  Please, go somewhere to hear the Magnepan LRS+ before you buy your next pair of speakers. Unmodified, they beat almost anything under $10K, for detail and texture. Modified, they just beat nearly anything you can fit in your listening space. I know, they take up some room; need to be out from the wall; and need power (and good wires). A subwoofer helps. (Subwoofers are easy to build.) But - you can buy them with the $$ you save. Ask ne about power amps. I have been living with Maggies (on and off) for 50+ years. You don't have to spend a  fortune to have great sound. Enjoy the music!