Thanks everyone for all of this fantastic advice. This is all very helpful.
I hear you all on the efficiency. Yes, I listen at around 65db, for many hours a day and night. So, sound quality at low volume levels, and avoiding fatigue are top considerations.
@oddiofyl thanks for the review on the Revivals. FYI, fellow Audiogoner nonoise wrote up an awesome review of the Revival Audio Atalante 3 for anyone interested entitled "Shout out to Revival Audio Atalante 3 speakers" 183204-355
@hilde45 - Thank you for the reviews and for the heads up on Carrera's bright tweeter. That sounds like a non-starter for me. I am listening easily 12-15 hrs a day. I will speak with Fritz and get his thoughts as per your suggestion.
@zlone, @soix Yes, I have read similar comments about the Alyssa's, so maybe not ideal given my current environment. And I have added Reference 3A MM de Capo BE to my list!
@mofojo - Yes, I have been eyeballing the Heresy IV. I forgot to mention that, so thanks for reminding me! This company has haunted me ever since we'd cut school and sneak a listen to Bowie on a friend's dad's Klipshorns (AK-6?) in the mid 70's. Blew my teenage mind!
@knotscott - Agreed, I will initially keep my ATCs for comparison, then if all goes well, then maybe sell them. Yes, it is such a personal choice. So I am very appreciative for everyone's perspective.
@mashif, @celtic66 - I have thought about staying in the ATC family. When researching ATCs for my purchase a few years ago, I seem to recall that the 19s just had a larger woofer than the 11s, otherwise very much the same, but I could be confused. I can't fit floorstanders, so the 40s wouldn't work. The ATC 20's are over my budget, unless I could find a super used deal... I do think though that my 11s prefer a bit of a higher db level than 65db to really shine.
I have been very happy with my ATC, just wanted to see what else is out there, given my listening space and volume levels.
Maybe I should just figure out a way to keep my ATC in addition to getting new ones!
Thanks again everyone. I really appreciate it!