Digital vs Analog experiment

Here is an experiment I did. I own the same recording as

  • CD
  • High rez file from HD Tracks
  • High rez stream from Tidal
  • LP
  • Exactly same LP recorded by me into 24/96

LP and 24/96 recording sound identical to me. Both sound better than any of the first three. Now, HD Tracks file sounds better than CD, but not by much. Which gives me feeling that what they sell or stream is a studio master before it was downsampled to 16/44 for CD production.

So basically the LP is simply mastered better. CD is mastered to be played in cars and on consumer equipment. LPs tend to be mastered for more advanced listeners, or at least is as compressed.

The issue is not that analog is inherently better. The recording is actually different.

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mikhailark Was your test “blind”? How many sets of ears participated? Just you?

With a digital source naturally more depth should sound better.

But compaing a record to a Cd to s file would require a set up and benchmarks that are difficult to enact.  What equipment was used?

I have found when digital equipment ,including streaming are done correctly 

it is superior , analog records are capable roughly 12bits .

digital critical since digital going house to house not grounded

your modem- router combo 1st get rid of garbage quality wall warts anywhere in the system , a Linear power supply at the router is essential to stop the incoming noise Linear tube audio best by far LPS under $1200 at $700 on Audiogon with what many charge $150 for a good DC cable to the router is included .from router a decent Ethernet cable $200 at bare minimum then a good Ethernet hub starting at $600 the LHY  SW8,  Pangea power cord awg14 sig MK-2 very good for LPS and Ethernet hub not too much $$ $2-250, then a decent streamer $1500 on up like the entry level innuos , LTA makes a great 15 v  upto 8 amp LPS $800 less then the matching innuos and better, then a good quality dac $4 k on up and at least $1k for a usb cable . End point Ethernet cable is most important ,and streamer,dac a high quality power cord like AQ Tornado Sourse is very good ,that’s what I use , then you have a very good digital chain without weaknesses in the audio chain,            with records quality too throughout. Applies.

that has been my experience as well as many in the audio get togethers I have been to .

@audioman58, I agree with you; the LTA power supply is the best I've tried. I would also point out that the new LTA Areo Dac sounds incredible and affordable.
Now with that said, my DS Audio Grand Master cartridge and integrity tone arm makes my vinyl setup superior to my digital.