Developing A List Of Tonearm Candidates For A SOTA Turntable

So this month i sent my SME V off to a new home, and that leaves my SOTA armless. My other table has a schroder CB-1L on it and I have run either an Ortofon Verismo or Transfiguration Proteus on it. I did put both those same cartridges on the SME on the SOTA and it always had a disappointing presentation of harmonics and texture. A monochromatic sound could be the best description I have. Time for another arm.

The SOTA armboard restricts the type of arm that can be installed. The arm types that have a VTA tower and separate pivot point take up too much real estate to fit. So fitting something like a Wheaton, Reed, or Durand does not seem possible. I wondered about elevating the arm board so its level with the top plate, but I am not sure if there is enough room for the want to pivot without removing the dust cover. It is a possibility, but I wonder how it effects the travel of the suspension. and if there are unintended consequences. I have yet to read about any SOTA owners doing this.

So I am trying to put together a list of candidates. I do know some folks appreciate the Origin Live arms, but I am not very well versed in their lineup. I have wondered about the Groovemaster arms also. I have looked at the Moerch, but its kind of a fiddly thing. The point is the table is on the sidelines at the moment because there is no arm in place. I typically shop the used market, but I can be patient and wait for the right arm to come along. The benefit of having more than one table i guess. 

Anyone else have any suggestions. Appreciate your thoughts and experiences.


Dear @mijostyn :  Yes, the Clearaudio looks fine but what dover posted is something to worry about the tonearm bearing design, normally ball bearings are true solid and with no issues but here the design is: balls+magnet and maybe this is what gives some kind of unstability at microscopic stylus track. Something as all the Kuzma that are unipivots in reality.




I ran various SOTAs since the early 80s up until three years ago when I switched to a Kuzma Ref2 and Kuzma arm.  Agreed that not every cart works with the SME V as I had one for nearly 30 years.  The Kuzma 4point9 is the only one that works with the SOTA but I would recommend trying an AMG 9w2 arm.  Fairly easy to setup with a Linn mount and for me, the best set of bearings around.  It is the last arm I used on the SOTA, mounted with an Dynavector XV-1S and it was outstanding.  So good in fact that I sold the SME V.  I had the AMG mounted on the Kuzma Ref2 and only let it go as a 4point11 came on the market.  In truth, it was hard to hear the difference between the Kuzma 4point and the AMG, both using the Dynavector cart.  Worth giving a look.

I've just installed a Funk Firm FX3 on my Sota Sapphire.   The FX3 uses the Rega 3 point arm mounting board that's available from Sota.     You should add Funk Firm FX3 to your list!

I had an SME V on my Sota which didn't work even with pro setup.....moved on.

@dover Thanx, I had not heard that. I am in no big hurry to step away from the CB. I would have to take a big leap in capability to make a change and it would be to a Schroder LT or Reed 5T, but both would require another turntable or a major reengineering of the SOTA. If I can do it in a reversible fashion I might try it.