Importance of streamer in audio chain

I have a wiim pro with a Deshelli dac 4399 chip and sparks op amps. Would I notice a difference by upgrading my streamer? My other equipment is a Rogue cm2 and Falcon Q7 speakers. 


I have two digital sources. One is the HifiRose RS150b all-in-one streamer/dac (and preamp if you choose). The other is an Auralic Aries G1.1 streamer feeding a Geshelli Labs Dayzee Dac. The Rose is an excellent machine. It sounds really nice. However, when I run its digital output via SPdif into the Dayzee the sound improves slightly, but you may not notice it at first. It’s simply a bit clearer through the Dayzee, with equally good tonality. This improves a little more with the Auralic/Dayzee combination via USB from the Auralic. We are not talking about night and day differences, rather small but significant improvements, at least to my 71 year old ears. Honestly, I could live with the Rose alone, the Rose/Dayzee, or the Auralic/Dayzee combination. They are all quite good. The Geshelli Labs Dayzee dac is really special and I plan to keep it a good long while. I added the Sparkos opamps to mine which probably took it up a notch from the stock model in the clarity department. If it’s not obvious, I’m really enjoying digital these days. I have to go back to my early years in high end audio when I had a Music Reference RM-4 head amp feeding the phono section of my preamp, so I could run a Talisman moving coil cartridge mounted on an Sumiko MMT tonearm, the latter mounted on a Thorens TD 160 Super turntable, to achieve something close to how digital sounds now. I still have a modest Mofi Studiodeck turntable and MM cartridge and a Schiit Mani II phono preamp, all of which sounds pretty good, but my streamer/dac sources sound better. Your mileage may vary. Just remember to enjoy the music!

In my system the WiiM Pro was the only streamer that was notably less good than other budget options (iFi Zen Stream, Raspberry Pi/Denafrips Iris, Denafrips ARCE).  Streaming Roon, the Eversolo A8 was the best.  Generally the differences were small but I would ditch the WiiM Pro.