I am really not trying to dissuade anyone from not liking the PS Audio Perfect Wave DAC and Transport. I like it alot and enjoy listening to it very much. I've read people's comments and reviews and agree with what they say about the sound and feature set. There is another thread on Audiogon where the reviewer compares the PWT to his Forsell transport and I believe he makes some interesting points as well. I think a fantastic system could easily be built around it. I would be willing to bet it sounds better than some of the other highly touted gear. And of course the sound a new piece of gear is system dependent. I am puzzled as to why I'm not hearing what others have claimed. I just assumed that something as well thought out as the PWT/PWD are would more than give my equipment a run for the money. I'm investigating obtaining the new PS Audio HDMI cable and Power Cords to see if that makes a difference. I'm wondering what a difference the PS Audio Power Plant Premier would make?(I've heard rumors that there will be a new power supply available latter this winter that might make it better.)
I'm also breaking it in with care before I finish my evaluations although I did think it sounded great after just a few hours of warmup.
I believe "not even close" in retrospect was a poor choice of words. I'm sorry that my words could raise doubts about your purchase. I would own these two pieces with pride and they may indeed find a "home" in my system yet. I really like the idea of a hard drive based music system and have followed the Perfect Wave developent with great anticipation. You've done a great job building your system and it has taken me more than a few years to develop mine to this point and sometimes I still have doubts if I've made the correct audio choices.
Good listening to all and I'll keep you informed of my findings.
I'm also breaking it in with care before I finish my evaluations although I did think it sounded great after just a few hours of warmup.
I believe "not even close" in retrospect was a poor choice of words. I'm sorry that my words could raise doubts about your purchase. I would own these two pieces with pride and they may indeed find a "home" in my system yet. I really like the idea of a hard drive based music system and have followed the Perfect Wave developent with great anticipation. You've done a great job building your system and it has taken me more than a few years to develop mine to this point and sometimes I still have doubts if I've made the correct audio choices.
Good listening to all and I'll keep you informed of my findings.