SOS! Suddenly have a high-end turntable, need to upgrade Amp + Speakers

Hey everyone!

Ran into some luck recently and was able to score the following for MUCH lower than it would have gone for usually:

  • Turntable: Luxman PD-151 Mark II

  • Cartridge: Hana ML (MC-LO) Cartridge

  • Phono Pre-Amp: Cambridge Alva Duo

I need help figuring out which Passive Bookshelf Speakers and Amplifier would work best with the rest of my system! My budget is maximum $1000-$1500 give or take. What Amplifier + Speaker combo works best with my system without undermining the rest of the components?

The room the setup is in is a rectangular sitting area however it's open to the rest of the house. I wish I could go to a dealer and do listening tests but unfortunately, we don't have any in my country.

P.S: I saw the reviews on the Topping Amps over at ASR and they seemed extraordinary at first only to check reddit and find that people are kind of conflicted by those amps. What do you guys think?


I will make a very "unbalanced" suggestion that in the end might shock you in performance.

The Fosi amp mentioned in another thread is a steal. You can even upgrade the power supply if your speakers need more power.

If you go with this approach you will have almost all of your budget to devote to speakers.

Speakers are hard to suggest as I do not know your preferences but one kit that would be guaranteed to please would be the Dayton Solstice designed by the late Jeff Bagby.

I thinks that combo would be hard to beat! Also, the Fosi enjoys 4 ohm loads so the match of these two pieces should be very good indeed.


Amir at ASR listens to less than 50% of the products he reviews. Not a viable site for information in my mind.

Another member mentioned balanced inputs and outputs. This is only a true advantage if the components are truly balanced which many are not.

I remain unimpressed with most class D amps.

don’t be turned off by comments that state that you can’t buy much for $1500. You can buy a used integrated amp for $600 on usaudiomart (Rotel, NAD, CA, Musical Fidelity, Peachtree, Yamaha, Audiolab...) and if you are patient, you could also find decent speakers online. The sound of the speakers vary so much, and they are so personal - what you would enjoy the most, that I would stay away from naming brands. Figure out the basics first: size, format, number of drivers, need for bass, sensitivity that goes with the integrated (yes, start with the amp, you won’t regret it)


Schiit isn’t a bad suggestion for everything. I have not heard their pre&amp but I did have the Skoll phono in my system for a while and it is surprisingly good for $400 and you can try Schiit at home for 2 weeks and return for a 5% restocking fee.

Looks like there are some Schiit deals on USAM



Yes - A Schiit Raggie integrated along with a pair of Triangle Borea on USAM should set you up just fine. Save and upgrade the phono stage later.