Power Cord for Accuphase Amplifier

I have a new Accuphase P-4600 amplifier and am looking for a power cord to replace the stock. So far I’ve tried the Cullen Crossfire and the IceAge OFC Frankencable. While both cables have worked well on my source components they have not performed better than the stock on the amplifier. So to those who have Accuphase amplifiers what power cable has worked for you?

As I mentioned in other threads Accuphase strongly recommends that you use only the stock cord and so far that has been the best. The. other two have resulted in a darker sound with less soundscape openness. 

I’ve been trying to stay under $500 for the cord but would be willing to go a little higher if it improves the amps performance. 



Thanks for the mention. Given OP budget, I recommend trying Audio Envy or Zavfino power cords. @jfrmusic knows which cords I am using in my system. I don’t freely recommend HIJIRI’s to anyone looking for a power cable upgrade. They are not for everyone but in a well appointed system, they can be very complimentary seductive with their sheer transparency and musicality.


I will check out Audio Envy and Zavfino. Thanks

Where Are HIJIRI’s sold?





+1 for the stock cord and save money because Accuphase know what they are doing.

in other cases with source components I did experience improved soundstage particularly in depth and instrument placement as well as additional refinement of the lower treble. So I’ve been surprised so far not to be able to experience similar improvements replacing the amplifier stock cable. 

My first thought was to try a cryoed silver PC, then I realized Ice Age sells one for under $200.  I’d ask them if they think their Silver-Silver PC might be worth a try given your results with their OFC cable, and if that didn’t yield positive improvements I’d just stick with the stock PC and be happy to save some $$$.  FWIW.