Cardas vs Cardas vs Shunyata interconnects

Got a pile of interconnects cables today from Cable Company to try, focusing on between my DAC (Weiss) and pre (Mc c2300)—SF Amati Tradition speakers with MC601s. Base cables mid level Wireworld.


- Cardas Clear Cygnus

- Cardas Clear Reflection 

- Shunyata Venom 

- Shunyata Venom X

First in was Cygnus. I was immediately floored. Loved everything about it—feeling so engaged with music. Amazingly dynamic and tight bass response. Every song I played was just amazing.

After an hour I was itching to try the Reflection expecting great things. Nope. Dull and woolly. I love warm, but perhaps this was too much of a good thing. After two songs I was back to the Cygnus. 

Sticking with the Cygnus tonight.

Shunyata will be up tomorrow and I’ll report back. 


@w123ale  I'm glad the Cardas Cygnus cables have worked out well for you. Consistent with the comments from @decooney earlier in this thread, Clear Reflection interconnects and speaker cables have been solid in my system. Blanket comments about Cardas being too soft and closed in ignore the fact that Cardas has a range of cables that vary in their relative balance of detail versus richness. 

In my search for cables that have synergy with my other gear, I have tried cables (across several brands) that have that emphasized high frequency and upper midrange detail at the expense of losing richness and realistic tonality. As my streaming system has become more transparent and as I continue to use revealing Thiel speakers with metal-dome tweeters, I have needed cables that don't overemphasize upper frequency detail to the point of unnaturalness and brightness.

Clear Reflection has been a great match for my gear and my ears. It sounds like Cygnus is a great match for your system, and I'm impressed that you took the time and effort to figure that out. I hope that you continue to enjoy the naturalness and tonal richness that Cardas cables can provide. 

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those cable resellers have one thing in common they do not manufacture their own cables so they buy or import cables and oil them up with thick extra jackets and plugs and add 10x or more profit to resell. buy from manufacturers such as mogami aka wbc, canere, belden, chinese brands skw audiocrast etc.. that you find on amazon. read the descriptions/specs/diagrams/reviews and you can definitely find outstanding interconnects that outperform those overpriced interconnects from resellers.

@classicrockfan  please read up on Cardas. Made in the USA and they have a US based source for the copper.