Cardas vs Cardas vs Shunyata interconnects

Got a pile of interconnects cables today from Cable Company to try, focusing on between my DAC (Weiss) and pre (Mc c2300)—SF Amati Tradition speakers with MC601s. Base cables mid level Wireworld.


- Cardas Clear Cygnus

- Cardas Clear Reflection 

- Shunyata Venom 

- Shunyata Venom X

First in was Cygnus. I was immediately floored. Loved everything about it—feeling so engaged with music. Amazingly dynamic and tight bass response. Every song I played was just amazing.

After an hour I was itching to try the Reflection expecting great things. Nope. Dull and woolly. I love warm, but perhaps this was too much of a good thing. After two songs I was back to the Cygnus. 

Sticking with the Cygnus tonight.

Shunyata will be up tomorrow and I’ll report back. 



those cable resellers have one thing in common they do not manufacture their own cables so they buy or import cables and oil them up with thick extra jackets and plugs and add 10x or more profit to resell. buy from manufacturers such as mogami aka wbc, canere, belden, chinese brands skw audiocrast etc.. that you find on amazon. read the descriptions/specs/diagrams/reviews and you can definitely find outstanding interconnects that outperform those overpriced interconnects from resellers.

@classicrockfan  please read up on Cardas. Made in the USA and they have a US based source for the copper.



read up on Cardas. Made in the USA

Actually you didn’t read up correctly. Did you find any line or photo on their website or else where explaining how they actually manufacture cables such as wire drawing annealing twisting stranding extrusion along with machineries being used? Of course not because they don’t have that facility. in reality they buy bulk cables from an actual cable manufacturer in southern California all they do are cut/terminate/package/add big big profit/resell. Yes made in USA but not by themselves. so don’t get fooled.

@sdl4 "I’m impressed that you took the time and effort to figure that out. I hope that you continue to enjoy the naturalness and tonal richness that Cardas cables can provide."

Agree and it takes patience testing and evaluating the lineup of different cables. Those who make generalized comments are not familiar with the different cables and typically won’t invest or take the time to understand it more.


@classicrockfan "Of course not because they don’t have that facility. in reality they buy bulk cables from an actual cable manufacturer in southern California all they do are cut/terminate/package/add big big profit/resell."

The copper is owned, mined, and sourced by Cardas for manufacturing through their own operation agreement they redeveloped and supported. Yes, there are videos showing the sub-contracted process of manufacturing the cable spools made in SoCal. Spools shipped to Bandon Oregon, cut and terminated there by hand. It’s a business that manages to remain profitable and stay in business 35+ years and employs workers. Anyone who has visited the facility in person is aware of this. Nobody is being fooled.