Power Cord for Accuphase Amplifier

I have a new Accuphase P-4600 amplifier and am looking for a power cord to replace the stock. So far I’ve tried the Cullen Crossfire and the IceAge OFC Frankencable. While both cables have worked well on my source components they have not performed better than the stock on the amplifier. So to those who have Accuphase amplifiers what power cable has worked for you?

As I mentioned in other threads Accuphase strongly recommends that you use only the stock cord and so far that has been the best. The. other two have resulted in a darker sound with less soundscape openness. 

I’ve been trying to stay under $500 for the cord but would be willing to go a little higher if it improves the amps performance. 



do not ever spend more than $50 for any power cable... you either keep using their stock cable or try this will not make an audible difference but will make you feel good since the cable is thick and beautiful with nice plugs. do not listen to paid-trolls who are here to promote certain ridiculously overpriced power cables from resellers. they don't even manufacture cables but buy and add 10x 20x profit to resell. accuphase produces excellent audio equipment that last decades certainly you get your money's worth. congrats!!!



Wait until your Amp has surpasses the 300 hours mark. Then, start testing other Power Cords (PC). The stock PC is no slouch.


Happy Listening!


@lalitk stated "I will check out Audio Envy and Zavfino."

FYI - I do not have experience with Zafino, but I have owned a couple of Audio Envy power chords.  

IMO, the AE power chords were poorly designed, poorly constructed and actually sounded worse than my black stock chords..  They are in a box in my garage wait for a new home - FREE, but no takers so far... 

It pays to experiment and you will find one that works for you as there have been many good suggestions mentioned here and lots info available online.

Just don't listen to: jasonborne71, megabite, mazian, 1971gto455ho, classicrockfan.