Plugging rear ports of "bookshelf" speakers?

I did a search here on A'gon to try to find out what the reason for this would be, and I take it to tame unruly bass?  Would plugging the rear ports make a speaker less particular about placement?  I would think that if anything, plugging the rear ports would mean the speaker could be moved closer to the wall, but I find that I am often mistaken about my preconceived notions.


Thanks for all the great input, @everybody.  The speakers did come with plugs, and for last night's session I did install them.  As per usual, I am not sure which way I like better, but I am thinking, so far, that I prefer them plugged.  Since they arev plugged, I guess I could experiment with moving them closer to the untreated wall?  The face of the speakers is at 25" presently.  Is there anything to be gained by moving them closer, besides making my small room incrementally bigger?

"Bookshelf speakers" and "too much bass" do not often exist simultaneously.


"Bookshelf speakers" and "too much bass" do not often exist simultaneously.

"Too much" was probably not what I meant when I typed "unruly bass," @carlsbad2  .  Also, it's not that they are on a bookshelf, maybe I shouldn't have called them that.  They are 2 way monitors; regardless, you are right--they are not guilty of too much bass.

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Generally proximity to the wall will cause a loss of perceived depth of the soundstage that good monitors can provide, so you gain yourself some bass at the expense of imaging.
