Plugging rear ports of "bookshelf" speakers?

I did a search here on A'gon to try to find out what the reason for this would be, and I take it to tame unruly bass?  Would plugging the rear ports make a speaker less particular about placement?  I would think that if anything, plugging the rear ports would mean the speaker could be moved closer to the wall, but I find that I am often mistaken about my preconceived notions.


"Bookshelf speakers" and "too much bass" do not often exist simultaneously.

"Too much" was probably not what I meant when I typed "unruly bass," @carlsbad2  .  Also, it's not that they are on a bookshelf, maybe I shouldn't have called them that.  They are 2 way monitors; regardless, you are right--they are not guilty of too much bass.

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Generally proximity to the wall will cause a loss of perceived depth of the soundstage that good monitors can provide, so you gain yourself some bass at the expense of imaging.


I suggest you another metod. I did it myself. 

My bookshelves don't have rear ports, instead they have passive radioators (Buchardt S400 MKII, very bassy speakers), but it doesn't mean they can be placed close to the wall, it's a bad idea.

I placed behind the speakers Basotect panels, very effective sound-absorbing porous material, and sound increased amazingly, bass became cleaner, punchy and heavy. But anyway the speakers should stand 40-50 sm from the wall.