Who's running this show?

I’ve hung around Audiogon for several years, have enjoyed it, and have learned alot. I find the forum discussions to be interesting and entertaining.

There were two threads that were recently removed by a "moderator". The first was the one regarding ASR featuring the one and only Amir. It ran for a long time and had well over one thousand posts. Then one day it’s magically gone. The second thread was entitled What will you not buy? and had gone on for a few/several days. It had over three-hundred posts and then earlier today it went away.
This is Audiogon’s site and they can do with it what they wish. If I’m unhappy I’m free to go. I’m okay with that. Here is my interest: who is Audiogon? It seems to be a mystery.  There is absolutely no editorial voice, no communication with the administrators/officers/owners etc. Other forums that I visit have some dialogue between the members and the powers that be. T

To quell this curiosity I did a bit of online searching and found out a few things like the presidents name, location, number of employees, etc. This was all third party information; I found no presence at all from Audiogon. Again it’s their business and none of mine. But curiosity killed the cat and likely this thread will suffer the same fate. Anyone else find this interesting or unusual?









Newton's fourth law:

When a mainly political discussion is closed, someone will open another one. 

(in case no one opens one, the members will randomly choose and turn an unassuming audio-focused thread into a political one)  

“Politics ought to be the part-time profession of every citizen who would protect the rights and privileges of free men."

Dwight Eisenhower 


“Politics ought to be the part-time profession of every citizen who would protect the rights and privileges of free men."

Dwight Eisenhower 

Emphasis added.

@abnerjack  I feel so sorry for the mess we are leaving the younger generation and I don't know how they are gonna reverse the status quo.  Do you?   

Yes, but I'm not allowed to talk about it.