See you all after the elections

Regardless of what political messages are being spread around here it’s unfortunately true that the level of courtesy and how we talk with those we disagree with reaches a fever pitch before elections in the United States.

Too many talking heads in the mass media are modelling too much poor behavior and loathing of "others" and it’s filtering into this place which I like to hang out with for fun and to help others. What should be plain technical discussions are being infused with personal acrimony. If I wanted that for fun I’d work in a call center.

I’m taking a break from the A’gon for a while. I can’t say the toxicity it’s not affecting me either. This place is just not worth the anger and frustration it is causing of late and I certainly don’t want to learn how to behave by modelling that myself. Hopefully when I come back in 2025 Americans will again be relating to other Americans in ways that don’t involve criminalization or demonization and this place will be nicer.  I also really am too old to be having "but he started it" excuses over what should be a fun and meaningful hobby.  Be well all.  See you in a few months.


If I wanted that for fun I’d work in a call center.

Good analogy Erik. I ran one for a while. Unreal how rude people can be, until the call is escalated to a manager and suddenly they are polite.

Whatever you decide; do try and chill out, and let the negative stuff roll off your back. Stress is BAD.

Post removed 

This used to be a good place? Never used to be this way? Haven't seen such acrimony as 2024?

You guys crack me up.

All the best,


I'm not sure what you meant by that post, and I have no problem with you personally, but you must admit that you are often the match that lights the fire, or the fuel that keeps it going. 

I know that it must be tempting if you're the type that gives a lot of thought and passion to political matters, but have you considered abstaining from that here and satisfying your desire to express your opinions about political matters on a forum designed for that purpose?