See you all after the elections

Regardless of what political messages are being spread around here it’s unfortunately true that the level of courtesy and how we talk with those we disagree with reaches a fever pitch before elections in the United States.

Too many talking heads in the mass media are modelling too much poor behavior and loathing of "others" and it’s filtering into this place which I like to hang out with for fun and to help others. What should be plain technical discussions are being infused with personal acrimony. If I wanted that for fun I’d work in a call center.

I’m taking a break from the A’gon for a while. I can’t say the toxicity it’s not affecting me either. This place is just not worth the anger and frustration it is causing of late and I certainly don’t want to learn how to behave by modelling that myself. Hopefully when I come back in 2025 Americans will again be relating to other Americans in ways that don’t involve criminalization or demonization and this place will be nicer.  I also really am too old to be having "but he started it" excuses over what should be a fun and meaningful hobby.  Be well all.  See you in a few months.


Take care Erik.

Thanks for your valuable contributions on a couple issues I had.



……stay well and safe Eric as you and I have exchanged some ideas on audio in the past. I no longer watch TV and over the last two months have grown tired of the snarky comments I see here now in these forums. I have been on this site for almost 24 years and it has really changed . So I too recently have not been as engaged on Audiogon as I have in the past . Unfortunately this is the new norm and some like myself make a conscious decision not to be a part of it. Eric thank you for putting your thoughts and feelings on a thread that needed to be done . I am going to just listen to more music ……

Erik (and, asvjerry),

I’m hoping this is a plea for change and you’re not actually hitting the ’eject’ button.

Your contribution(s) on this "little" forum have value in ways that you may not have considered. I want to comment on this further, but have some commitments this morning. I hope to get back on ASAP. Hopefully, this topic won’t be closed or taken down by then.




Yes, to take a break from any thing you enjoy time to time is giving you better joy when you return to it. Once I was on my week long trip where I couldn’t get my favourite type of coffee and what a great much better taste of that coffee was when I got back from the trip.