SOS! Suddenly have a high-end turntable, need to upgrade Amp + Speakers

Hey everyone!

Ran into some luck recently and was able to score the following for MUCH lower than it would have gone for usually:

  • Turntable: Luxman PD-151 Mark II

  • Cartridge: Hana ML (MC-LO) Cartridge

  • Phono Pre-Amp: Cambridge Alva Duo

I need help figuring out which Passive Bookshelf Speakers and Amplifier would work best with the rest of my system! My budget is maximum $1000-$1500 give or take. What Amplifier + Speaker combo works best with my system without undermining the rest of the components?

The room the setup is in is a rectangular sitting area however it's open to the rest of the house. I wish I could go to a dealer and do listening tests but unfortunately, we don't have any in my country.

P.S: I saw the reviews on the Topping Amps over at ASR and they seemed extraordinary at first only to check reddit and find that people are kind of conflicted by those amps. What do you guys think?


Handy? Near Rhode Island?

3 Way, Horns, 12" Woofer, extremely efficient

These would be a great sounding pair in the right space 

Electrovoice Aristocrat III Speakers, asking $499. Rhode Island

With beloved level controls for the mid and tweet horns!

If you are in Switzerland I have a great, warm sounding Rega Brio for sale. Made for vinyl.

Much of the advice here is good. The Rega Brio and Arcam FMJ A38 for sale now on Agon for under $700 would both be excellent choices. The Arcam with 100/140 watts into 8/4 ohms respectively has a performance envelope that could drive a wide array of bookshelf speakers.

On the speaker side, the Revel Perfoma’s, Vienna Acoustics Haydens, a couple pairs of Sonus Fabers and Totem Model 1’s for near or below $800 on Agon now all look good to me. For new speakers, I agree with @soix you cannot go wrong with Wharfedale or Elac bookshelf speakers.

The Arcam FMJ A38 combined with the Totem Model 1 speakers would I think be wonderful eith your new analog front end, but as others havd noted the Cambridge phono pre will be the weak point.

Here is some out of the box thinking - NAD C316BEE V2 integrated (new), Vandersteen Model 1 (on ebay) and a Schitt Mani 2 phono pre. You could get all this for around a grand and it would sound cracking with your front end.  I realize the Vandersteen Model 1’s are small floor standers, but I have heard this combination and its sounds way better than it has a right to for this amount of money.