Warm, yet detailed tube preamp

Looking for a warm but yet detailed preamp to upgrade my Rouge RP1 (with NOS tubes). Rest of system is Coincident Frankenstein 300B Mk2, Zu Audio Omen Def Supreme, digital front end with PS Audio AirStream and DirectStream Sr (modified with external power supply for the analog side and different output transformers). The Rouge is a very good preamp (especially for the money), but it does definitely hold the system back at this point. I would like to add a bit more warmth of the overall sound and also add depth to the soundstage (without losing details). And I do want a remote... if nothing else, volume and mute.


Willing to spend about $5k used (or so).


I have not received a Demo' in any form of the Raven Pre-Amp', but I have followed the enjoyable to read thread about the concept through to working end model.

I find it hard to believe that there is a Amp' available off the shelf that is born from a better origin and offer the versatility built in to the design.

I strongly recommend the pursuit of learning more about this Amp' and attempting to experience it through a demonstration.

End Game sticks strongly as a term in my mind, as I own Valve Equipment produced by an individual who has long term experience, and have never considered changing it, even after 20ish years of its concept having taken place.  W 

So I’m testing out the Luxman CL-38uC and it’s exactly what I was looking for. Detailed, slightly warm, spacious and just super relaxed

@audiojan, I have that Luxman piece in one of my systems, and it sounds really good, don’t be alarmed because of its “cheap” price, it performs flawlessly and enjoyable. Besides, if you change its stock tubes, it will sound even better. 

@audiojan I’ve heard the Omen and the Supreme uses a similar full range driver made in house and that’s the problem. If you like them that’s great, but asking to get more detail from them is like trying to get bass from a pair of Maggie’s. But sure, blame it on the preamp.