Upgrade from WIlson Sabrina

I have a small room approx 14'x12'x 8.5' well treated with GIK acoustics panels.  Currently using the Sabrina's (not x).  Considering the Talus from YG acoustics, mainly because it is sealed. and may integrate better. Unfortunately since I am located in India, auditioning is almost next to impossible as dealers only bring in equipment on order - they usually only have the top of the line model for demo.  Would appreciate any feed back.  I love the Sabrina's and the x is a logical choice, but being ported, I am experiencing some room node reinforcements (mitigated somewhat by pulling the speakers forward by 4'), so am considering sealed options. Magico is not sold in India.

TIA - Cheers,



Ozzy62 thank you sir!

Gjohns - I sold the PSM 156. I found it limited dynamics even with just the DAC and preamp connected to it. Sound was pinched/too tamed.
Tried several power cords on it. No bueno. It might work in someone else’s system if that’s the effect they’re looking for but in mine I prefer the sound with all components plugged direct into wall. I am using Furutech GTX-D NCF outlets. Good power cords is all my system requires.
This is just my experience.

I would highly recommend running two dedicated lines - one for amp(s) and preamp, another for all digital. If possible. 

@sidvee My room is almost exactly the same dimensions as yours. My room has no treatments none whatsoever as it’s carpeted, extremely little to no echo, enclosed, and pretty well damped on it’s own. I feel extremely fortunate as I have Revel Salon 2 speakers in my room with astonishing results. What makes my Salon 2’s work so well in my smaller room, although they’re pretty darned good sized speakers is that, they have down-firing ports, the bass and tremble are adjustable, so I can dial them up or down if needed. I run my speakers with the bass setting dialed down one notch and the tremble left in the "flat" setting. By the Revel Salon 2’s being so adjustable, it allows me to place them closer to the back, allows for easier placement in the room, bass integrates in the room beautifully and not overwhelm the room. I crave big-time, deep, but musical, tight bass, and the Salon 2’s never disappoint. I’m shocked at how breathtaking the Revel Salon 2 speakers sound in my smaller room. I know the Salon 2’s have been around for a long time, but, man, they’re so incredible sounding, they’ve become my end-game speakers. You’ll find your perfect speaker/amp combination in time. Hang in there. Happy listening.

Thank you all. Regarding the posts recommending bass traps, I have 6 x 244 gik traps, plus two evolution polyfusors which also help as bass traps and also some corner traps at the ceiling.  Yes all of these help and having the speakers pulled out to 4' from the wall also helps and the room is currently fine - I am listening to these for the past 5 years in this manner.  However as I consider an upgrade, my focus was on sealed speakers like YG/Magico, to do away with having to deal with too many placement issues.  Anyways I will look into Revel and will also try to get a detailed audition of the YG peaks series.




This is my current system pic.



Sid…your 244 traps are full range. They are on the wall behind speakers and are not in the corners. You still have your corners accumulating bass and you still have standing waves. Your GIK panel placement is not effective as far as bass traps go.
What I was talking about is GIk tri traps with limited range. They go directly into corners and eliminate that extra space where bass accumulates, in addition to trapping bass and not affecting high frequencies. 
Your 244s will be more effective at first reflection points but don’t do a lot for bass trapping.