I’m confused. Please explain.

Hello everyone. There are quite a lot of posts of people wanting their system to sound like real instruments like you would hear at the symphony. I don’t see the importance of it. I’ve been to the symphony one time recently and it was nice but until then I’ve basically only listened to music  made in a studio, amplified and then mixed. I have been to concerts but even that music was at least  amplified. 
Surely you listen to more than just classical music. Are you saying studio music can somehow be made to sound like symphony instruments? I  want my music to sound like it did when it was recorded if possible. I enjoy many genres of music so I don’t see why I would desire it to sound like I’m at the symphony. I consider my system neutral so it is true to the recording. Thank you for your thoughts. 





I've been in the midst of live music for 60 years. Trying to replicate that at home is a fool's errand.

+1 @secretguy

to me, it’s just about a reproduction of the music that is enjoyable, relaxing and makes me forget about the cares of the day because I’m into the music.

why should it be more complicated than that?

And that's our hobby in a nutshell: I want a particular sound but I don't really know what that sound is.

That's why I settled for the sound I now have as good enough for me. If circumstances and finances change, then so will my system. Many failed attempts preceded my present stance and now it's very enjoyable. Those who have heard it love the sound. 

Through planning, luck and plain old serendipity, I'm now at the point of diminishing returns. Until then, I'm done fretting over it.

All the best,

I enjoy concerts a lot more than audio. I've spent more money there than in components + media together.

You guys are making great arguments why modern AI synthesized music is just fine with you.