What’s your favorite audio show to attend and why?

Wanted to see which shows you enjoyed the most and why?


RMAF (starting back up this year after the covid hiatus)...

You could be up in the mountains in no time and can't put a price on the beauty of that place.

Really liked Summer C.E.S. in Chicago. Saw many Audio Rock Stars there e.g. J. Gordon Holt, Dave Wilson, Julian Hirsch, Mr. Shahinian, Steve McCormack et al.

Also liked T.H.E. shows in Las Vegas when I lived there. Got a textbook lesson in system break in at the Wilson room. Day 1: Sound was thin and stringy. Day 2: Sound improved somewhat but still not there. Day 3: System singing like a bird, excellent sound to beat-the-band. Peter McGrath playing homemade orchestral recordings. Just great!

P.S. Saw HP traversing the exhibits shortly before his passing. RIP

You are lucky you have a choice in the USA. In Australia now there is only one held in Melbourne every god knows when with nowhere near the range of gear that you have.

2019 Lone Star Audio Fest. Smaller show with about 28 rooms but small enough to go to every room and spend time in the ones you like. 

*S*  This one. that which you are now reading....


Travel, hotel, lousy food, crowds in the spaces I might have interest in, loud rooms playing such if only to distract ( it did....I cruised past), equipment in rooms too small for the displayed, specious claims for that which didn't deserve it....

It always seems to exhibit that which you've no interest, displaced by that which you've none....(Well, mine, anyway....)...