It will not be the amps unless something is wrong with them or you have a bad tube. The easy test is to move them to your other system. Your Sonus are 86 dB, 4 ohm. Not the best load, but the blackbirds will drive them and that will tell you if the amp has issues. Khorns have limited bass below about 45-50 Hz. It falls off like a stone. They are what they are..... They do other things quite well. The crossovers can be upgraded if you have not, but the physics of the speaker in that cabinet are what they are.. the spec is 33 Hz, but that is - 4dB. It is an incredibly easy load for the amps. If you have the patience, put the preamp and amps in front of your other speakers and see if you are satisfied with the bass. I suspect so. If not, then you may have a tube that didn’t ship well. My guess is it is a combo of the Khorn and the room they are in.
The first thing people say when they hear the Raven and Blackbirds is how amazing the bass is.... and your speakers are trivial to drive. The amps hardly know they are connected.