how to modify my cdp to accept new power cord

ok i have decided to modify my nad c541 player so i can swap out the power cable. i just dont know how to connect the new piece to the power board in the cdp. it looks to be soldered and then has a heatshrink around it. do i need to try to get to the connection point there? i cant imagine leaving the 6in tail attached and splicing it. thanks for any info. kevin
After you install the IEC, (you might consider making a template), solder your existing wire (from your board) to the IEC. Make suse you observe the correct polarity. You are finished. Not that difficult. Take your time and use a dremel tool. Beside the convience you should hear an improvement. Honestly, the wire I mentioned is very good. Add a good ac plug and IEC connector (I'm using a $20 variety) and you have a really good cord for about $35-40. Post your thoughts after you're done. One other thing, be careful to protect the inside of your CDP from the dust from the grinding. Good Luck!
You might want to check with Pierre Sprey at who sells a splice-on PC upgrade using the remaining tail.
He feels this yields audible improvement that beats using the more traditional IEC modification.
I like the performance of his power cords, but have never used this particular splice-on power cord variation.
I would start w/the splice, which can be found here or better yet, at your local electrical supply house.

If that sounds like an improvement, then go for the IEC installed on the chassis.
Why do you want to do this? Sounds like a lot of trouble for minimal gain. Just my opinion.
Add the IEC socket. I have done this on several pieces of gear. works well. Scribe the outline of the socket on the back panel of your CDP. Then use a dremel tool with a cut off wheel to cut through the chassis. If you can remove the back panel from the CDP first, that would be a better option, since it would lessen the chance for metal particles getting into your drive or PCBs.