Anyone adjust cart set up due to ambient temperature changes?

My cart body was dragging slightly, so I contacted the manufacture. It is 2 years old.

I got a response within a few hours, and they asked if ambient temperature had increased by more than 4-5 degrees recently.

It has - where I live usual summer weather is a bit late, and the max temp in the house has increased by about 8 degrees. (we try to avoid using aircon).

They recommended decreasing normal down force from 1.9g, to 1.7 or 1.5 (min), and increasing VTA slightly.

-0.2g & + 2mm VTA solved the issue. Back in business sounding great.

It was new news to me and I avoided an overseas evaluation and possible repair.

Anyone else adjust due to temperature changes?


@pindac Thanks, I was planning having it re-tipped in 6 months or so whether it needs it or not so they can check it out then. Turnaround is fairly quick 


Thank you Mac. I had a vague idea that cartridge and speakers might be happier in a room with a fairly constant temperature, but I  didn't realize how important that was. I will take more care starting now.

I also looked at the Durawood, which has shown it has properties that is very stable in all ambient conditions it would be exposed to. The stability of the material is very useful where microns are tolerances that can effect sound being produced.

I have parts produced from a selected material that has an exceptional stability as a inherent property. This material is used a component that allows for the interface tolerance for moving parts, to be machined to the tightest of tolerances, using a spacing dimension that is not usually considered for a passive interface. The same material also has the most attractive Coefficient of Friction for the role to performed, which is a Win Win for how the end product functions as a whole.


Cart is definitely faulty. It went from sounding great to skating across the record. Cantilever was moving laterally, a lot. Likely the suspension is shot. It is about to embark on a journey to Lithuania! 

I'll post the resolution and cost when I find out.

Hopefully it is only the Tensioning Wire/Wires that have lost the bite at their Anchor Point. 

Tension Wires will allow the Cantilever to become unruly, if loosened off.