Least expensive plug-in power conditioner that works

I am currently using a Shunyata Venom defender on my main system with good results.  I’d like to put a similar device on the power to my Internet modem that’s in a separate room.  I notice that there a lot more choices in this product category now.  Does anyone have any recommendations that are cost effective and make a difference in performance?

Ag insider logo xs@2xknownothing

Furman PST-8 currently on sale from various vendors for $130.

I'm using one with the little computer mini-system rig and also (a week ago) added the iMac itself when our 20+ year old big APC unit conked out.

I'll pick up another one and dedicate it to the computer, modem and printer.



Thanks for these suggestions.  
I was wondering about products like these;

QKOIL QK1 AC Enhancer

QVIBE Qv2 AC Enhancer

Puron Power Filter
ifi AC iPurifier

As compared to the Shunyata Venom Defender, or a less expensive power conditioning strip like the Furman.

The Audience does look promising.
