A Tale of Two Crossovers

I want to split the signal to my main speakers and subs. 50 - 90 Hz at 24 db/oct. My two choices are the Marchand Electronic Crossover XM66, or the Mini DSP SHD, which does its work in the digital realm, therefore needing an additional A/D-D/A conversion. Which one do you feel will do the least harm to the signal. All opinions welcome please.


As you know, I favor passive. I don't want to add additional electronics. 

If you're concerned about frequency choice, you really can't go wrong with 80hz. Above that you risk adding too much sub into the vocals, and below will make it harder to blend with your mains. 

I believe it was J. Gordon Holt, founder of Stereophile who said, decades ago, that "If you haven't heard it you don't have an opinion". I have not heard a Marchand x-over. Having checked out the XM66 out on their website, it looks like a good unit at a good price that will do exactly what you want. I would go for that over a digital device with the A to D to A conversion. Good luck!

Have you considered the Sublime Audio K231 or their balanced version K235? Analog active 2- or 3-way crossover. I own the K231 and think it is a good value. I do not feel that it adds any significant coloration to the sound.