A Tale of Two Crossovers

I want to split the signal to my main speakers and subs. 50 - 90 Hz at 24 db/oct. My two choices are the Marchand Electronic Crossover XM66, or the Mini DSP SHD, which does its work in the digital realm, therefore needing an additional A/D-D/A conversion. Which one do you feel will do the least harm to the signal. All opinions welcome please.


I believe it was J. Gordon Holt, founder of Stereophile who said, decades ago, that "If you haven't heard it you don't have an opinion". I have not heard a Marchand x-over. Having checked out the XM66 out on their website, it looks like a good unit at a good price that will do exactly what you want. I would go for that over a digital device with the A to D to A conversion. Good luck!

Have you considered the Sublime Audio K231 or their balanced version K235? Analog active 2- or 3-way crossover. I own the K231 and think it is a good value. I do not feel that it adds any significant coloration to the sound.

I just looked at the Sublime K235, and for the price, I feel I will stick with the Marchand choice. I like the idea of changing the crossover point without all the work of plugging in new boards. Thank you for suggesting it though, as I had not seen that one.