Upgrade Denafrips Terminator 2

Hi Guys,

I started my "DAC Journey" around 3 years ago. Over the time I had an Rasperry Pi 3b with integreated DAC, a Bluesound Node, then a Denafrips Pontus 2 and now a Denafrips Terminator 2. 

I am pretty happy with the T2, but I am looking for the secret Gamechanger in the DAC category.

Sure, the T2 is a great DAC, but there is for todays standard better stuff out there, even for a bit less money I guess.

My next DAC should sound a bit more holographic, more revealing with that warm sound signature. I think the R2R technology is the way to go, but I am open for everything. What I probably love the most about the T2 is that Bass slam. So I am looking forward for that kind of sound.

I read a lot about the very hyped up Holo Audio May. Also other brands like Lampizator, Rockna and LAIV are a names that can not be ignored.


I am a used buyer, so everything up to 5.5k for a used price is okay for me. I just need some suggestions or experiences from you guys.

Maybe someone has an cheaper option as an secret advice from a small company.

Looking forward hearing from you.


@nagel  Are you using the VBS with your 3.5?  I found the DAC3VB (great DAC BTW) to be a big improvement over the stock DAC3 in my system.  I’d recommend looking at doing a trial of the new LAiV Harmony DAC as it’s getting very positive reviews and will give you a good idea of what an R2R DAC brings to the table.  Just a thought FWIW.

I had VBS but upgraded to VBL linear when the VBS failed a couple years ago. The price and Bel Canto’s service were great, and I liked the VBL sound better overall. Still the VBS had amazingly clean and dynamic treble, and that's one area where I'm concerned about the purported r2r sound. Is the LAiV made in Singapore or PRC? I hate to take advantage of money back guarantees if I don’t know if I’d like it all. Can anyone provide a demo in FL? I’ll be traveling to hit highend stores soon.

@nagel The reason I mentioned the Harmony in particular is that they’ve apparently bent over backwards to make it relatively easy to demo it at home worldwide, which is why I thought it’d be an appealing option for you. At least worth looking into I’d think.

I have owned the terminator 2 anniversary and I had the Pontus, as well. I,prefered the sound of the Pontus. Sold the terminator. Then I purchased the May Kte and it’s in my system it was my preferred sound. I still have it with no plans to change.Only YOUR ears can tell which is better. As was mentioned there are many other things you can do to get the sound you want.