Warm relaxed digital coax

Running a Audioquest Coffee cable.   Looking for one that has a little more detail and keep that relaxed warm sound.  Other equipment ARC I50, HIFI Rose 250 streamer, Musical Fidelity M6x DAC, Klipsch Forte4, and Kubala Sosna emotion cables.  Thanks in advance. 


+1 for Snake River Audio cables.
I was using mostly DH Labs, including the SPDIF connecter from my streamer to my DAC. But I was unhappy with the range and flatness of the music, so decided to try the snake river SPDIF cable. WOW. What a difference, suddenly I could hear instruments and subtleties that I had never heard before. I really recommend trying them before going down a more complicated path. Since then, I have changed most of my cables to Snake River Audio. Warm and detailed!


sorry for delayed reply. I appreciate the detailed reply and it does make sense to exploit the full potential of Teac player before you pursue an elite player from Esoteric or Wadax. It’s good to know that a $3K player is not compromising the chain and offers good enough thrills. I don’t expect anyone here to try $20K clock to get the most out of a $3K player but your point is well understood on the importance of master clock in a well heeled system.

I honestly believe you would appreciate the elevated sound from Grandioso K1X SE since you already own the G1X clock. There is so much more on tap with K1X SE other than incredible VRDS Mechanism offered in 701T. BTW, I love the new racks; they handsomely complement your incredible room and equipments. Cheers!