Eversolo DMP 8 audition going poorly...

Evaluating as a standalone streaming player.

8 hours run time. So far sounds dull and lifeless.

  • Streaming Qobuz only
  • DH Labs ethernet
  • Zavfino Fina power cable
  • Zavfino Fusion XLR interconnects

DMP 8 settings

  • DSD audio: native (default was DSD over PCM - sounds the same)
  • Volume: max
  • DAC filter: short delay slow roll-off (default)

Any ideas from other DMP 8 owners?


Baloo2 - in my experience different streamers sound different with different streaming services. In example, Lumin U1 Mini and Bricasti built in network card sounded best with Roon streaming tidal. Qobuz sounded a bit rolled off and not engaging. With Aurender Qobuz sounds better than tidal. 
Highly depends on streamer, system composition and personal preference. 

Streaming - even at "CD quality"  just doesn't sound as good as local CD.   So if folks are expecting it to they will probably be disappointed.





My advice. Never stay in a relationship that isn't working.

You can grit your teeth and try to make things work, but most times it is better to just move on.

@ossicle2brain Analogue is my primary source. I have a new, maybe endgame TT arriving tomorrow.

@tony1954 The A8 is boxed up.

But to be clear for present and prospective owners, it is a decent product and sounded good once I figured out that all those fancy filters and reply-gain matching just get in the way. 

It just didn't beat what I already had.