@kahlenz Thanks for taking the time to validate my decision to purchase the 1210 GR. It really means a lot to me. also, the recommendations on Carts.. I am still trying to understand what’s required to run LO vs HO MC carts vs MM carts.
My Marantz PM KI Ruby states the following for input sensitivity/Input impedance:
- PHONO (MC): 250 μV / 100 Ω/ohms
- PHONO (MM): 2.3 mV/39 kΩ/kohms
Is this what I should be referring to when deciding whether or not my marantz is good enough to drive for example, the Hana SL? You’ve mentioned minimum of >400 ohms..looks like my amp is nowhere near that mark.. lol and its not even good enough to run the Mofi MM that requires 47 ohms?