Most of the more valuable components should be able to be repaired. Keep in mind repair charges usually start at a few hundred $$, so some stuff might not be worth it. As others have said, do some basic diagnosis if you have not done that. Check for fuses and basics. If you are able to use a multimeter you can sometimes figure out where the current stops flowing. If the damage came through the network cable, might be a more difficult thing to diag, and we have had that happen in the past few years ourselves. I still have a HT receiver that no longer connects to the LAN due to storm damage. That said, most of my gear is behind a protection device that also protects the LAN connections. Internet gateway is on a separate UPS/surge protector. Lifetime Florida resident here, and have spent thousands at the repair shop in my life due to storms, and now my protection devices probably cost more than my first stereo rig! :-) Lessons learned the hard way.