You're not a true audiophile unless...

I can't tell you the number of posts I've seen that start with something like this. Why are some people so anxious to qualify this like it's some sort of title? Being an "audiophile" isn't a concrete or objective thing like the citizenship of the country you were born in or being an MA. It's reflective of your hobby or taste, much like calling yourself a "foodie." Can anyone else chime in with some of the more ridiculous qualifications people have come up with for calling oneself an "audiophile?"


to me an audiophile is someone who looks to improve the sound of their audio playback. Its about the love of music and making it sound better, even if that's just adjusting your speakers on your desk top to make them image better, that's an audiophile. Just as much as the guy who spends $100k on a system or the guy just starting out with little. If they like music and take steps to make it sound better they are an Audiophile.   

For me it has become an education in acoustics.

My wife also tells me that since taking up the "task" my 71 year old hearing has become much more acute and discriminating. I am hearing things in the immediate environment that I didn't used to, and I just generally paying more attention to sounds and identifying them.