Borresen X3


For those who have had the opportunity to hear and or own the X3 I am very interested in your impressions/opinions. 

Thank you.

Ag insider logo xs@2xletitbe1306


All the Borresen sht is so overpriced for what it actually is. Get a pair of the Yamaha NS5000 speakers+Rythmik or GR Research subs, pair it with something like a Luxman C900u/M900u or some Gryphon piece. Spend the rest of your cash on a dedicated room+competent treatments/get in touch with Acoustic fields and go to town with their ACDA. Watch all the Magicos, Borressens and Wilsons crumble to dust after that.

I'm a little confused after reading this post as I thought you own the X6 model. I'm assuming you wrote this post before you got your X6s? The X6 are too big for my room, and I was researching X3's. Just curious, did the X6 made you change your mind about Borresen? 

P.S. This is a genuine question and not an attempt at sarcasm or trying to make you look bad. 

333 normally is pretty forward and vocal even when not wanted ..but yea you made him look foolish....pretty funny though