Basically happy, but…

I’m pretty well set with mostly Transparent Gen 5 Ultra speaker cables and Ref pc’s    However, I still have a legacy Syn Research Copper Element RCA between my Chord DAVE and Pathos Heritage MO ii Intgrated.  It was a great cable “in its day” but I’m wondering if an upgrade will have a noticeable impact on my sound.  I would probably go with a used Transparent Gen 5 Reference if I make a change.  Any thoughts?


It will sound different, but not sure if it will sound "better".

As @zlone stated, you're going to have to try it to find out. Generally speaking, a full loom of cables tends to have more synergy than mixing/matching.


Coralkong I never have luck on full loom cabling. My systems or my ears works well mixing cables.

A loom can work when there are different series within the brand to mix and match with. I've always mixed and matched too:-)

Go with Audioquest Thunderbird XLR interconnects, and thank me later!!!  The Audioquest Thunderbird is certainly not cheap, but could be your last interconnect purchase.  They're that insanely good.