Is the "tray error" issue on an Esoteric X-03 CD player worth fixing?

I have a Esoteric X-03SE CD player that is still in my system that I loved for many years. I purchased the unit in 2011. Then late in 2017, it started slipping with its belt and started giving me the dreaded "tray error."

I took it to a place to be repaired, and got the belt replaced. A couple years later, the error started to appear again. With the suggestion of a longtime and trusted audio local salesperson, instead of trying to repair the X-03SE again, I instead turned my 600-plus CD collection into a Bluesound digital library with the purchase of a Vault 2i. For the last five years, I had thought I was pretty much set using the Bluesound, and the X-03 largely sat idle over that time.

Recently, at his store, I saw a used Esoteric DAC unit for sale. I was curious if adding it to my system would be an improvement to my system’s overall sound, and he assured me it would, saying the Esoteric DAC is miles above of what is inside of the Bluesound for a DAC.

In just the couple hours I have been test driving the Esoteric DAC unit at home, and it certainly makes my system sound better when listening the Bluesound library. I think I’ve pretty much decided on adding that unit to my system.

What does all that have to do with the X-03SE? As a side note, he said that the DAC would also make my X-03SE CD player that I still have in my system sound better, if I opted to get the X-03SE repaired.

Since I still have it, I wonder if there’s much value to fixing it, getting back to sometimes using the X-03 (since I still have my physical CDs), versus always listening to the Bluesound. Or do you think the Bluesound/Esoteric DAC combo simply stands as worthwhile on its own, without the added expense and hassle of repairing the Esoteric X-03?


And then the question becomes who still would take on such a repair, as comments about the "tray error" and repair issues for an X-03 I saw on one comment thread here that date back seven years, with many comments largely talking about how hard it was to find someone to repair the unit back then. Usually with used gear, it only gets harder with time, but maybe I’m wrong in this instance? Curious ...


Did the Esoteric CDP have a digital input?  If it does then you could try using the DAC in the X-03 with the Vault.

  I have to say that going from an Esoteric CDP to the Vault was a curious recommendation on the part of your dealer.  It was no doubt motivated by the dealer need to sell the Bluesound.  I think that if the X-03 had been functioning, and if you had done side by side comparisons between it and the Vault, the latter would not have fared well.  The Vault is a good budget entry into streaming, and I used a Vault 2 for several years , but it usually sounded a bit veiled compared with midfi sources and worse as you ascended the price ladder.

  If you saved your CDs, then your question boils down to whether a better transport into the Esoteric DAC can be had.  It would be reasonable to start with the old CDP if it can be easily fixed.  There were threads here a bit back on the difficulty servicing Esoteric products but they may be easier to fix now.  Your dealer should be able to help since he apparently is an Esoteric dealer (and imo he owes you one for conning you on Bluesound.).  If it is to much trouble or expense then consider a new dedicated transport to pair with the Esoteric DAC, and it doesn’t have to be an Esoteric 

If I were you? I will fix it. Esoteric players are top notch . Unfortunately lens do give up. Why I bought extra lens for my Marantz SA 10 and my Ruby sacd players.