Replacing My Maggie 3.6R

Many of you know I have been a Magnepan fan for a long time with my first pair of 2.6's in the 90's.  As I evolved to prefer tube power with these speakers I upgraded to the 3.6R, Manley Neo Classic Amps and Vandersteen 2W Sub.  About two years ago I added stereo Rel's and truly  thought the quest was over.  Over the years I have tried to move on from Magnepan but could never find a box to deliver the soundstage and imaging.   I've listened to Revel, B&W, Focal, KEF, Harbeth among others.  More recently listened to Acora, Joseph Audio, and Magico and many other A listers.  I came close with SF Amati and even closer with Vimberg Mino, with the Mino's just out of my financial reach.  I then attended AXPONA 2024 for the first time and listened too so many I've forgotten, but I did  listened to MBL's and I was sold!


I had 3.6's for 12 years, and loved a lot about them, but also always felt that there was this thing missing - slam.maybe, or midbass power, or a certain "thickness" that I want my music to have.

I moved to baffle-less speakers - dynamic speakers without the boxes. I had the Emerald Physics 2.8's, and that did it for me for many years. Still boxless and open and airy, but suddenly, there was this saturated solidity that I couldn't make my Maggies achieve in my room. 

It sounds like your budget allows for even more sophisticated solutions, so this may not be relevant for you. But I found baffle-less dynamic speakers the ticket for stepping away from the Maggie sound to which I was addicted, for better and worse.

Good luck in your search. 

I am looking at Clarisys Audio and Diptyque as potential Maggie replacements. I have not heard either but will listen to the Clarisys this week.

You might want to consider the Qualio IQ. Very open because it’s an open baffle hybrid, but with excellent bass response and dynamics.

I realize many are opposed to implement some sort of DSP into their system but it may be the best/easiest/most cost effective solution if you haven’t tried yet. Even more so if there are trying to optimize/integrate subwoofers.

Having the ability to easily adjust sub/mains x-over pts., phase, gain, along with eq from your listening chair can be a game changer if your end goal is suspension of disbelief rather than to micro analyze and meet some undefinable, unobtainable true to “what the musicians, or engineer intended” type objective.

From what you describe as missing I sense that you’re not after that illusive moving target so I’ll just reiterate my recommendation to try DSP (if you haven’t yet).

I feel liberated after many years of struggling to be transported from my listening chair to the “event” and I think MG 3.7i can get you there with DSP.


assuming 3.7’s are setup properly…at least 5-6 ft. from front wall and seating position not up against back wall. Minimum 14ft room width. Light room treatment, smartly placed.