I currently have an audio rack with maple shelves by Salamander.
Seeking to make a change.
I saw a VTI 6 glass shelf rack with chrome poll legs.
Is having glass shelves going to be a problem with resonances and other sound issues?
I have the Triton 5's speakers with 2 stereo SVS subs, Rogue Audio Magnum 2 tube power amp and Rogue Audio pre amp. & a Cary CD player.  In short, the VTI rack looks the best, as the system is in my living room,  like the glass shelves, but don't want to sacrifice performance for looks. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

And that McIntosh rack you pictured is gorgeous, I like the walnut version myself. Gives me an idea on my next build. 

Butcher Block Acoustics Rigid Rack cheaper and better. Not a good idea to enclose equipment that emit heat like that. I prefer their open design better also configurable.

I will be blunt, it's hard to find a pleasant looking hifi rack. I would have it custom made.