What’s your opinion about Dali speakers?

I’m about to replace all the  speakers in my surround room.  One possibility is to one possibility are the Dali speakers but I’ve heard mixed opinions about Dali.

i will appreciate your thoughts about Dali  including the subwoofer,  any recommendations about other brands will be very much appreciated as long as your recommendations are about the same price range as the Dali.


I own the Helicon 400s, the C-200 center and the W-200 speakers, previously using the full set in my main HT system. But I seldom use that system if it's just me watching, so I felt like the 400s would be better used in a 2-channel system. The Helicon series can sound bright in some rooms, especially if you have a lot of hard surfaces like tile or hardwood flooring. But in a well-damped room they sound really good (to me). I put them in a 2-channel system in that same room and am very happy with the results - I was able to forgo a subwoofer that had been hooked up earlier with different speakers. I second the opinions that blame the hybrid tweeter for much of their brightness, but if you can get the highs tamed just a little, they are hard to beat for speed, punch, and clarity.

It's critical to be aware of the fact that anyone with an impression of older Dali speakers does not apply to anything new.  As with any brand. 

I  came close to buying the new Epikore 11 after a couple demos.They have that natural warmth we tend to describe Dynaudio's, but these new Dali's didn't lack any detail from the recording and they have a boundaryless soundstage I'v only previously heard from the Kef Blades. A mac MA 352 integrated was driving them easily in a large room and when riding season's over I might still pull the trigger. If I do ever replace my Blades it'll be with the Dali's.

I have a pair of Dali Epicon 8's and couldn't be happier.  Currently powered with Luxman 509x, Denafrips Terminator and Aurender.  Cables are Transparent Audio and Shunyata.

Very musical and engaging. 

- Bob

They definitely have their own signature sound to my ears. I have extremely limited experience, I owned a pair of Ikon MK 2 for about 5 months or so. Pleasing, a bit thin sounding to me in the upper bass, lower mids. Sound was clean but lackluster. Detail was good, had, for lack of a better word, kind of a 'light' sound to me,  just not quite as ’musical’ as other brands I’ve owned.