I want to buy new speakers for 50,000 and see it used for 30,000, what should I do?

two issues here, would it be smarter to buy the used speakers not knowing where they’ve been or how hard they’ve been played or maybe there’s something wrong with them. And the other issue is what happens to the value of my speakers immediately after the box comes to my house. And I guess the third issue is, amI insane for buying $50,000 speakers.

It seems like I’ll be losing $20,000 immediately and of course probably a little more since if I ever sell they will need to be reduced further so used price can be 30,000 if a dealer is involved which they probably will be.

This raises a serious concern that very nice speakers are just too expensive.

Fortunately (and luckily) I’m not married so that makes this process a lot easier


@emergingsoul - this decision is personal as both have positives and negatives, only you can decide if “new” is preferable to “used”+ save 20k.  What we would do based on our budgets and preferences is not important to your financial situation and preferences- it’s your money to determine what “you” should do.  Only you can decide if spending an additional 20k for brand new is worth it.

For myself, I’d be tempted to buy new if it was at a deep discount , plan to keep long term or endgame, or there aren’t much quality used offerings.  Otherwise, I try to buy used to stretch my limited funds.  

I love the responses to these questions they make me laugh and I find humor.alot of medical literature is full of laughter helps the immune system .keep safe and healthy.

My therapist tells me I have trouble making decisions. All the answers above have been very helpful and probably saved me a lot of money on therapy and I need extended session visits because 60 minutes is never enough time.

Audio component choices are never easy.

My biggest fear is the size of the speaker right now. This is why I raised a question previously about moving speakers around. I think I found a solution with some creative tools that may be able to position the speaker on a platform with low profile casters. And still allow me to retain spikes which is very important.

The problem with a used speaker is that you never know whether anything has happened that’s impacting what you’re hearing and you will be haunted by this thought forever. Fortunately if i ever had to get rid of them I know there are people out there that would probably take them as used and would be very happy. I tend to keep everything I buy and that’s why I have 10 speakers in my house right now and probably would be good to get rid of a few of them although thats difficult.

If I get a good price I’ll probably buy it new. I’ve got a very good dealer I work with.

Before I make the change I decided to replace a whole bunch of small tubes on my amplifier to see what that does and then proceed with a new purchase of speakers.




Apparently you’ve many more questions than possible answers, sounding like a discombobulated post, try a new therapist before dropping 50 large..Lol