SACD/CD Drive Mechanism Replacement


I apologize in advance if this is a stupid question…

I’m  considering purchasing a used SACD/CD player.  I’m concerned that at some point the drive will give out. 

If I bought a replacement drive for it right away and just stored it; can anyone install it when the time comes, or must the original manufacturer do it?


I appreciate your help!

Best wishes,



If you don't have a large collection of SACD/CDs forget it and go with streaming. Qobuz hi res albums are usually as good as SACDs or at least very close.

@jsalerno277  very good point, much appreciated.

@ghdprentice @mazian  You both might be right... that I should consider streaming.  I have to admit, I am very much old school.  Hence my vinyl rig that I love so much.  I don't have the first clue about streaming, so I have a lot to learn about that.  I don't even know where to start.

Best wishes,


I agree if you don’t have collection of cds. And you are willing to learn streaming way to go. In my case I have large collection of cd, sacd, xrcd, so I don’t need streaming. Last axpona 2024 the WiFi at the venue got a problem. Many rooms can’t play music for the attendee. Some who are using turntable are lucky to demo their systems.