Weiss 204 Dac or LTA Audio Aero Dac as an upgrade from Chord Qutest Dac

I am currently using a Chord Qutest Dac with my Lumin U2 Mini streamer.  The rest of my system as per my prior thread is Martin Logan 11A Impressions, Rogue Audio RP-1 preamp, Bryston 4B3 Cubed power amplifier. Has anybody had the opportunity to compare the Chord Qutest to the Weiss 204 Dac or the new LTA Audio Aero Dac. Looking to find out if both or either would be a substantial upgrade to the Chord Qutest. Alternative question, which Linear Power supply such as the S Booster added to the Chord Qutest make the biggest difference in better sound? Thinking don't have to upgrade DAC if the power supply option makes a big difference. 


Th LAIV Harmony DAC $2700 US.......bests every DAC mentioned here except the Lampizator. IMHO

The Qutest LPS question peaked my interest. I texted my local store (Audio Advice) asking if he (Jon, the store mgr) recommended the iFi power elite for my Qutest (as they sold the power elite), thinking I would order one.  

Jon didn’t, but recommended the Sbooster with the MKII upgrade from upscale audio. To recommend a product you don’t sell is impressive but also demonstrates the Sbooster to a significantly better choice based upon the experience of his customers. 

I am ordering one for my Qutest. 

He stated: “I have customers that did those (Sbooster + upgrade), huge difference”

“I’ve tried both and the Sbooster is by far the way to go…. Sorry wish I did sell it, but rather you be happy than sell you the wrong product”

I've found these to be equal or superior to products like SBooster which are often rebranded and price elevated Chinese power supplies anyway. I'm currently using six across different applications in both my consumer stereo and professional production gear. I've also steered several audiophile friends in the same direction and they are pleased as well.

Linear Power Supply

I’ll start off by saying I can’t answer the comparison question, but I do own a Weiss 204. The LTA is very new and I thought the Herb Reichert review in Stereophile was interesting, even with the comparison to a much more expensive unit ultimately. I am a fan of LTA and own their microZOTL preamp and was interested in their DAC when I first heard about it, but decided to upgrade to the Weiss before the LTA was production ready.

One thing that took the Weiss to an even higher level was the addition of the new ModWright linear power supply that Dan Wright has designed for the 204. I am very impressed (caveat, I have not compared it to other LPS vendors). It really opened up the sound of the Weiss even more, added some additional dynamics, and perhaps what I was most surprised about, gave it an even more natural timbre. I liked the 204 quite a bit before in my system, but the ModWright was well worth it and they were great to deal with.

Again, not an answer to your question, but wanted to share my Weiss experience in case you did decide to go down that path.