Magico S3 II or III vs. Rockport Atria II

Has anyone compared these two directly? Based on reviews and Internet comments, I’m guessing that the Magico is more detailed and the Rockport  is warmer. 


I think a more appropriate comparison would be one of the S3 (2023) vs the Avior II. Their MSRPs are within $1,500 of each other. Unfortunately , the only dealer that I know of which carried both brands was Scott Walker, and they have now replaced Rockport with Estelon. A few years ago, I was able to hear both the A5 and the Atria II at Scott Walker’s in an A/B comparison; both were driven by McIntosh 611s. At the end of the session, I concluded that — for me — the Rockport speakers sounded more musical and easier to listen to than the Magico speakers, albeit not by much. Like you, I would love to hear the new Magico S3 with the Avior II in a similar comparison.